Khóa Học Master Hibernate and JPA with Spring Boot in 100 Steps
Learn fundamentals of Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate framework using Spring and Spring Boot
The Java Persistence API provides Java developers with an api for mapping java objects to relational data. In this course, you will learn about the JPA API, JPQL (Java Persistence query language), Java Persistence Criteria API and how you can perform ORM (Object Relational Mapping) with JPA.
Hibernate is the most popular implementation of JPA. It was the most popular ORM framework option before JPA emerged and it provides additional features on top of JPA. We will use Hibernate as the JPA implementation in this course.
During this course
- You will learn the basics of JPA and Hibernate - Entities, Relationships, Inheritance Mappings and Annotations
- You will understand approaches to querying data using JPA and Hibernate - JPQL, Criteria API and Native Queries
- You will understand JPA and Hibernate Relationships in depth - One to One, Many to One and Many to Many
- You will use a variety of Spring Boot Starters - Spring Boot Starter Web, Starter Data Jpa, Starter Test
- You will learn the basic of performance tuning your JPA application with Hibernate - Solve N+1 Queries Issue.
- You will learn the basics of caching - First Level Cache and Second Level Cache with EhCache
- You will understand the basics of Spring Data JPA and Spring Data REST
Below are the step by step details of the important sections of the course:
Journey from JDBC To JPA
- Step01 - Setting up a project with JDBC, JPA, H2 and Web Dependencies
- Step02 - Launching up H2 Console
- Step03 - Creating a Database Table in H2
- Step04 - Populate data into Person Table
- Step05 - Implement findAll persons Spring JDBC Query Method
- Step06 - Execute the findAll method using CommandLineRunner
- Step07 - A Quick Review - JDBC vs Spring JDBC
- Step08 - Whats in the background? Understanding Spring Boot Autoconfiguration
- Step09 - Implementing findById Spring JDBC Query Method
- Step10 - Implementing deleteById Spring JDBC Update Method
- Step11 - Implementing insert and update Spring JDBC Update Methods
- Step12 - Creating a custom Spring JDBC RowMapper
- Step13 - Quick introduction to JPA
- Step14 - Defining Person Entity
- Step15 - Implementing findById JPA Repository Method
- Step16 - Implementing insert and update JPA Repository Methods
- Step17 - Implementing deleteById JPA Repository Method
- Step18 - Implementing findAll using JPQL Named Query
JPA/Hibernate in Depth
- Step01 - Create a JPA Project with H2 and Spring Boot
- Step02 - Create JPA Entity Course
- Step03 - Create findById using JPA Entity Manager
- Step04 - Configuring to enable H2 console and additional logging
- Step05 - Writing Unit Test for findById method
- Step06 - Writing a deleteByID method to delete an Entity
- Step07 - Writing Unit Test for deleteById method
- Step08 - Writing a save method to update and insert an Entity
- Step09 - Writing Unit Test for save method
- Step10 - Quick Review and Debugging Tips
- Step11 - Playing with Entity Manager
- Step12 - Entity Manager Methods - clear and detach
- Step13 - Entity Manager Methods - refresh
- Step14 - A Quick Review of Entity Manager
- Step15 - JPQL - Basics
- Step16 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @Table
- Step17 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @Column
- Step18 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @UpdateTimestamp and @CreationTimestamp
- Step19 - JPA and Hibernate Annotations - @NamedQuery and @NamedQueries
- Step20 - Native Queries - Basics
- Step21 - Entities and Relationships - An overview
- Step22 - Defining Entities - Student, Passport and Review
- Step23 - Introduction to One to One Relationship
- Step24 - OneToOne Mapping - Insert Student with Passport
- Step25 - OneToOne Mapping - Retrieving Student with Passport and Eager Fetch
- Step26 - OneToOne Mapping - Lazy Fetch
- Step27 - Session vs Transaction
- Step28 - OneToOne Mapping - Bidirectional Relationship - Part 1
- Step29 - OneToOne Mapping - Bidirectional Relationship - Part 2
- Step30 - ManyToOne Mapping - Designing the database
- Step31 - ManyToOne Mapping - Retrieving and inserting Reviews for Course
- Step32 - ManyToOne Mapping - Generalizing Insert Reviews
- Step33 - ManyToOne Mapping - Wrapping up
- Step34 - ManyToMany Mapping - Table Design
- Step35 - ManyToMany Mapping - Adding Annotations on Entities
- Step36 - ManyToMany Mapping - Fixing two join tables problem
- Step37 - ManyToMany Mapping - Customizing the Join Table
- Step38 - ManyToMany Mapping - Insert Data and Write Join Query
- Step39 - ManyToMany Mapping - Retrieve Data using JPA Relationships
- Step40 - ManyToMany Mapping - Insert Student and Course
- Step41 - Relationships between JPA Entities - A summary
- Step42 - Introduction to Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings
- Step43 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Setting up entities
- Step44 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Setting up a Repository
- Step45 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Single Table
- Step46 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Table Per Class
- Step47 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Joined
- Step48 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - Mapped Super Class
- Step49 - JPA Inheritance Hierarchies and Mappings - How to Choose?
- Step50 - JPQL - Courses without Students
- Step51 - JPQL - Courses with atleast 2 Students and order by
- Step52 - JPQL - Courses like 100 Steps
- Step53 - JPQL - Using Joins
- Step54 - Criteria Query - Retrieving all courses
- Step55 - Criteria Query - Courses like 100 Steps
- Step56 - Criteria Query - Courses without Students
- Step57 - Criteria Query - Using Joins
- Step58 - Introduction to Transaction Management
- Step59 - Transaction Management - ACID Properties
- Step60 - Understanding Dirty, Phanthom and Non Repeatable Reads
- Step61 - Understand 4 Isolation Levels
- Step62 - Choosing between Isolation Levels
- Step63 - Implementing Transaction Management - 3 Things to Decide
- Step64 - Introduction to Spring Data JPA
- Step65 - Testing the Spring Data JPA Repository with findById.
- Step66 - Spring Data JPA Repository - CRUD Methosd
- Step67 - Sorting using Spring Data JPA Repository
- Step68 - Pagination using Spring Data JPA Repository
- Step69 - Custom Queries using Spring Data JPA Repository
- Step70 - Spring Data REST
- Step71 - Introduction to Caching
- Step72 - Hibernate and JPA Caching - First Level Cache
- Step73 - Hibernate and JPA Caching - Basics of Second Level Cache with EhCache
- Step74 - Hibernate and JPA Caching - Second Level Cache Part 2
- Step75 - Hibernate Tips - Hibernate Soft Deletes - @SQLDelete and @Where
- Step76 - Hibernate Soft Deletes - Part 2
- Step77 - JPA Entity Life Cycle Methods
- Step78 - Using Embedded and Embeddable with JPA
- Step79 - Using Enums with JPA
- Step80 - JPA Tip - Be cautious with toString method implementations
- Step81 - JPA Tip - When do you use JPA?
- Step82 - Performance Tuning - Measure before Tuning
- Step83 - Performance Tuning - Indexes
- Step84 - Performance Tuning - Use Appropriate Caching
- Step85 - Performance Tuning - Eager vs Lazy Fetch
- Step86 - Performance Tuning - Avoid N+1 Problems
Hibernate Tips & Tricks
- When does Hibernate send updates to the database?
- When do we need @Transactional in an Unit Test?
- Do read only methods need a transaction?
- Why do we use @DirtiesContext in an Unit Test?
- How to connect to a different database with Spring Boot?
- How do you approach designing great applications with JPA?
- Good Practices for developing JPA Applications

Quel est le public ciblé ?
- You want to learn the basics of JPA and Hibernate
- You want to understand how to build data layer of a web application
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